About the Blog

Here, I will be sharing stories that mix my travel sagas with my professional adventures and then some.  The stories will help me to push my reflection, and hopefully yours as well.  They will trek my thoughts and others’ theories around the dense but rich jungle that is organizational learning.  I truly hope you’ll join me in exploring!Dust

The name of this site, “Designing for Learning by Travelling”, is a spin-off of one of the best courses I have ever had the privilege to take: Designing for Learning by Creating.  A fundamental lesson from the course is that we must not hesitate to create, that creating is in fact a crucial part of the process of refining our thinking and our product.

With that said, I now have a pedagogically sound excuse for launching a site before perfecting it.  This is clearly a v0.1, but I hope you enjoy it.  Pardon the dust!